Since its founding as a Partnership Company in 1982, and with its fast growth changed its legal format to a limited liability company in 1984 continues its humble journey progressively as a responsible and leading player in serving the industrial community and the nation.
From its inception, with their foreign affiliates Management focused on brining the latest technologies and product developments to meet the market trends that are adaptable and sustainable to our industry & local environment.

Since inception in 1982, we continue to invest in our stuff to update their technical & commercial expertise and problem-solving skills in keeping to the hallmark denoted by IMS - Innovative partnerships in Multiple industries for Sustainable relationships.
Corporate Social Responsibilities
Our core CSR principles embrace social impact investing to bring about positive sustainable impacts that sustain on their own in the society & environment. CSR initiative leading to milch industry growth of the country to alleviate rural poverty was honoured with Best Corporate Citizen's Award for Special Projects for the year 2009 by Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. Few such projects carried out by our CSR unite are;

Corporate Information
Secretaries: Nexia Corporate Consultants Pvt Ltd
Certificate of Incorporation number: PV 7925
Principal Bankers: